Patient Overview

We want your surgery to go smoothly, and you can help by following these guidelines, which are essential to avoid having your surgery delayed or cancelled:

  • Plan to arrive one hour to one hour and 15 minutes prior to your surgery time.
  • Do NOT eat solid foods or drink anything - including water - after midnight unless you are instructed otherwise.
  • Do NOT take any medications after this time unless you receive other instructions from a nurse or your healthcare provider.
  • Do NOT wear makeup, fingernail or toenail polish.
  • Do NOT bring jewelry or valuables to the center.
  • Do NOT smoke the night before or the morning of surgery.
  • Do NOT drink any alcohol for 24 hours before your surgery.
  • Do NOT bring gowns, robes or slippers. These will be provided for you.
  • We want your experience here to be positive. We suggest limiting your guests to two people and refrain from bringing small children.
  • You will need to bring a list of all medications you are currently taking including vitamins, herbals, over-the-counter, and prescriptive medications. The medication name, dose, route, and frequency will be needed for each medication you are taking.
  • If you wear contact lenses, bring your lens container and solution. You will not be allowed to wear contacts during surgery.
  • If you have eyeglasses, we prefer that you wear them.
  • If you have previously been fitted with assistive devices such as crutches, a walker, cam boots, etc., please bring it with you to the center.
  • Please bring pillow(s) to use in your car for your trip home.
  • You may brush your teeth, but do not swallow the water or toothpaste.
  • Take a shower or bath the morning or night before surgery.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing. This makes it easier to dress and undress.
  • A responsible family member or friend over the age of 18 MUST accompany you home. This adult also should be available to assist you in your recovery at home. Under no circumstances will a patient who has had a general anesthetic or sedation be allowed to drive home.
  • If your condition changes prior to surgery - such as a cold, persistent cough, fever or rash, notify your physician. You may need to be evaluated again before your surgery can take place.
  • A consent form MUST be signed before the procedure begins. For patients younger than 18 years of age, a guardian or parent must be present to sign the form and remain in the surgery center for the duration of the minor's stay.
  • HIPAA privacy laws prohibit our center from leaving detailed messages without proper authorization.
  • Accurate phone numbers where we can reach you for arrival times are very helpful.
  • Please remember to call the surgery center by 2 p.m. the day before surgery if you have not already talked to a member of the Mercy River Hills Surgery Center staff.
  • We ask that you let us know where we can contact you the day before and the morning of surgery in case your surgery time changes.